
The Mummy in Gue

July 16, 2016, 1340 hours.

What we had heard about, what we had come to see, was in a small cemented room at the back of the new Monastery complex: #TheLamaMummy.

And when I saw it, I kept staring, drawn by it, drawn by its dignity, drawn by its strength and its history and significance.

This was the Mummy of a Lama who, according to local lore, had been in deep meditation in isolation in these mountains. The Mummy was discovered in 2006 by the #BRO during work on a new road into the mountains.

The Mummy is reasonably well preserved and earlier it used to be kept open but it has now been encased in a glass enclosure. One can see the finger nails and hair upon close inspection.

Gue Lama Mummy 01

Photo: Sanjay Mukherjee

Photo: Sanjay Mukherjee

Photo: Sanjay Mukherjee

Photo: Sanjay Mukherjee

Later when I was walking around the village and taking in the sights, I noticed a few caves or cave-like dugouts and could well imagine sitting here in mediation myself.