
Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any Ibex?

July 16, 2016, 1406 hours.

From #Gue we went back on the same path as we came in for a while and are now heading for #Tabo, which is where we will lay our heads for the night.

I have been hoping to see some #Ibex on this trip. As a result, I have been sticking my head out every time I see a herd of anything moving. Of course, this herd is a mix of goat, #MountainGoat, and sheep, and they were pretty much on the same road as us, coming our way, and with those numbers, they naturally get the right of passage.

The Wayfarer says the chances of spotting Ibex at these altitudes at this time are low – we will have to climb much higher since they won’t come down unless there’s snow and ice higher up. “Shayad Kibber mein dikh jaye. Height hai wahan.