
Sunrise across the Kinner Kailash range, Kalpa, Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh. Photo: Sanjay Mukherjee

Conventional travel in the mountains is usually about going from one destination to the other within a defined period of time. The journey, which is an equally charming and essential part of the whole travel experience, is often taken for granted. And, a mountain is not just about the blue and the green (which are really the summer colours), mountains are also white, and grey, and brown, and mustard, and all shades of green, blue, red, and yellow and everything in between – mountains are delightfully different in every region, and in every season.

At Mountain Walker, we believe that the journey between destinations comprises different roads, views, flora and fauna, localities, people, food, cultures, the little stories about people and places and histories et al  and it is through all of these that a traveler learns and experiences life in the mountains. Once at a particular destination, the journey in the mountains around the destination is not always about paved or unpaved roads and paths. Seeing, feeling, exploring, experiencing and evaluating the surroundings in the mountains helps the individual walk along by connecting with nature in its raw and pristine form. 

It seems to us that people have been taking mountains (nature) for granted and are knowingly or unknowingly contributing to the degradation of this heritage we have inherited. At this rate, it is quite likely that future generations may have none of this natural treasure to cherish, experience and enjoy.

The entire travel experience as expressed by Mountain Walker in the form of books, products, blogs, images and videos is aimed at helping prospective travellers acknowledge, appreciate, respect, and enjoy nature. Our vision is to spread awareness and to encourage fellow travellers take conscious actions to preserve, protect and improve the environment that we live in.